Friday, October 1, 2021

Imported post: Facebook Post: 2021-10-01T08:28:09

My friend Kevin Boyle challenged me to share my favorite thing God created for us. His favorite thing is the family, and I have to agree with him. My favorite of God’s creations would also be the family. He expressed the value, protection, and power that comes from our families. I pictured my own children and the joy that comes from this sweet family that blessed our lives. But I don’t want to be a copy cat, so I will share something else that would be a favorite thing God created for us. As I read about the creation in the Bible, the Lord created this beautiful earth, and added water, and dry land, and trees, plants and animals, birds and fishes, flowers and grasses, and insects and butterflies. There is such a wonderful variety of each thing. He didn’t just plant a bunch of cloned trees, but think of all the varieties of trees that grow. From pines to willows and cottonwoods (three of my favorites) from the balboa to the ginkgo, aspen to giant sequoia. Some trees provide shade like a giant willow I grew up sitting under to watch the clouds. Some provide lumber, like the ones surrounding my beautiful farm in Oregon. Some provide fruit, like my three beloved pear trees, apricots (my favorite) peaches, apples and persimmon, the cherries growing next door. Some provide nuts like the walnut tree growing behind the pears, or cashews, coconut or hazelnut (to make Nutella), and some provide sweetener, like the maple trees. Some provide flowers, like my gorgeous crepe myrtle, lilacs (another favorite), or my magnolia. I love the spring as the crabapple trees burst with color. They provide shelter for sweet birds that delight my eyes and ears. I love my neighbor’s giant oak that spreads its limbs to provide not only beauty and shade, but supports a swing and a hammock. It also provided us with firewood and warmth when one of its magnificent limbs fell in a snow storm. I loved my 21 plum trees in my yard in Delta, and the beautiful honey locust with its tiny leaves that glittered in the sun. When one became diseased, we had to cut it down. It was like losing a family member. We had the wood made into lumber and one of her branches now is my mantle of our fireplace. We used to go boating in a lake in southern Utah. It was a magnificent lake, but there were no trees. I just can’t live without trees. I was always so happy to get back to the shade of my trees. My Delta neighbor, Sister Rowlette, pointed out that the humble elm was a wonderful pioneer tree. They grew quickly and tall and provided not only shade but warmth as they shed branches or needed thinning. We grew up with many tall elm trees, and an elm hedge. They are so versatile. I love living among so many beautiful trees. I could go on, but you get my point. I also love birds… and domestic cats, and cows and goats and horses, and rain, I could elaborate and wax poetic on all. Oh, and MUSIC. But instead, I’ll leave that for someone else. Thank you, Elder Kevin Boyle for this challenge. It has helped me reflect and record something I’ve been thinking about for years. -whats your favorite of God's creations??

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