Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Birthday # 2

While at the "blessing the baby" party, I brought over the big brother's birthday gift. I gave him a few cars from the movie Cars. He loved them. He said zzzzzzz for the motor noise while his mom giggles in the back ground. which is almost as cute as he is. He also said, "Oh Wow!"
This shows his aunt unwrapping the cars from the cards and his mom taking them out of the bag. He was so happy.
We were getting such a cute reaction and someone decided to butt right in and walk between us. I clicked off and back on, but I don't know how to edit this, so you hear me explaining that we are taking a movie, and when I realize he is just going to step in front anyway, so I clicked off.
Oh well, you get the point. He was thrilled, even though he has two of these cars already. He was totally happy, saying "oh Wow", and "zzzzzzz"
Little children are so easy to please. I love that they aren't spoiled.



HiHoRosie said...

Yeah, I love it when kids are still young enough to be happy about everything! Super cute!

Sailor said...

That was a fun clip. I am glad for the clips. I will miss that little guy, he is a fun one.

RisibleGirl said...

He is so darling!

I love it too that kids are so easy to please. It makes it so much more fun to buy things for them.

I can see that I'm going to have a problem with this. Every time that Riley comes over, I go buy more toys for the toy chest at our house. I tell him that the toys are for all the kids that come here. It just so happens that he's the only one, but he doesn't need to know that. :)


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