Monday, April 21, 2008

Life is so short

I got a call this morning from my friend, LuAnne. She was calling on her cell phone to tell me she was on her way up north to help her sister-in-law who had just called. LuAnne's baby brother, Owen (age 37) had just died this morning of a heart attack! He left behind a young wife and 5 little ones.
It threw me into such a fit of sorrow, there was no consoling me. I cried and sobbed my heart out for quite some time this morning as I called the various church leaders to let them know of this devastating news. My heart aches for my friend. She lost her father to skin cancer which took his life from the first noticeable bump in October in 4 short months. Her mom died 21 years ago, a victim of the down-winder's syndrome, just after we moved into this community.
My sweet friend is single and has taken care of her dad ever since. I think she is a heroic and amazing girl to have put her life on hold for her dad. There was another disturbing thing that happened just after her dad's death. I cannot believe my poor friend has gone through so much in such a short time. This is April.
To help console herself, she said, "I guess Dad needed him for some work he is doing in Heaven."
Life is short. We never know when the Lord will beckon for us. I hope I am ready. So sorry to write of such devastating news on my blog, but I wanted to make a note. This is, after all, sort of a journal for me. . .

please say a prayer for Lu Anne and her family. and give your loved ones a hug.



Sailor said...

That was a very sad thing, and Owen was such a gentle giant. LuAnne has really been through the mill. I know that your friendship means a lot to her - to paraphrase the proverb: Better a friend nearby than a sister in a far country. (Proverbs 27:10)

RisibleGirl said...

I'm so sorry to read this about your friend. She's lucky to have you care about her. She sounds like she's really had a go of it.

I'll be thinking about her.

poopie said...

I certainly will keep her lifted up. Sometimes you have to wonder why one person is asked to carry so much.


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