It has taken many hours of studying, Googling, watching YouTube videos, experimenting with the settings on my machine, and practicing to get it to look right.
I have purchased many tools, including several quilting feet, gloves, Bobbin Genies, a special sheet that you somehow attach to the bed and is supposed to help the quilt glide, and a very special hoop that is open on one end, so you can push the fabric around. The BEST thing I have purchased were the gloves, over at Day Style Designs. The Genie made my bobbin spin around too freely, and I ended up taking it back out. I've never gotten around to trying the sheet. The special hoop was nice, but the gloves are THE BEST YET!
Yesterday I was hunting through my sewing box to find something and ran across the quilting feet. I had tried them on the machine before, and it hadn't worked. I flipped the package over and was horrified I had paid $32.00 each for them. Neither are made for my model of Viking, but I didn't realize it. Because I trusted the sales lady, and because I wasn't working on anything quilty at the time, I just laid them aside and didn't try them. I've lost the receipts, so I am stuck with the open-toed one until I put it on Ebay or something.
But the first one has a spring. I put it onto my machine, forgetting exactly what the problem had been, and just tried to quilt something. It didn't quite fit, when I raised the presser bar, the toe completely slid sideways, but if I centered the needle, I figured I could make it work. When I lowered the presser bar, the toe completely moved askew. I had to adjust the needle again, but it seemed to work. Now I needed a project.

I'm kind of excited how it turned out! I might have to make a baby quilt out of it or something. What do you think? It is completely reversible.
I can't wait to try some more things. I'd better get busy with the Hearts quilt I am making so I can do some fun quilting. I think I like quilting better than piecing. heh heh.
So even though I feel a bit tired and down, the creative juices are flowing. I can hardly sleep sometimes, just thinking about what I can do next.
I hope you are having a fun weekend. Our sweet youngest daughter, Julie and her little Emily are coming soon, so I know I will have a fun day.
Wow! Well done! Did you draw it yourslef? I can't draw to save myself - I struggle with stick figures! And did you mark it on thye fabric? You did an amazing job! Good to see the snowflakes - though they'd show up more on a darker background.
I'd like to see this in person -- with you I could learn so much more!
That is so beautiful! I want one just the square in a frame! That is so nice! I just saw a picture Thomas and he is so so cute. I love his long hair and dark hair! What a cutie! I wish I could have seen him! On my birthday, was your birthday of successful machine quilting! Congratulations!
Love ,
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