Sunday, November 11, 2012

Newest Addition

Welcome little guy. You are the newest little guy to join our family. Your wonderful parents are such sweet, hard-working and faithful people. I am very proud of them. You make number six in your family and number nineteen in our sweet little army of Saturday's Warriors Grandchildren.

You look a lot like your dad and two of your brothers. You join three other brothers and two sisters, and I have a feeling you will be loved to pieces by all you have joined. You are also joined by two other cousin. One was born in August and one will be born next April. I hope you will get to know and become close to all your cousins. You are so lucky to have so many. I only had two that were sort of close to my age. And when I say "sort of close", I mean by several years. The rest were all closer to my younger brother's age, who was 11 years younger than I. You are so lucky to be born into such a faithful family. Your good parents will raise you up in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They will teach you right from wrong, how to pray, how to feel the Spirit, to read your scriptures and many other wonderful things. You will be raised to know you have a loving Heavenly Father who knows you by name, and a Savior, Jesus Christ, who sacrificed his life so you can live with Him again. Take advantage of these wonderful blessings and enjoy the life you've been given.

Your dad is a hard-working talented man who loves his family and loves to be home with you. But he goes out every day to earn a living so you will have a safe place to grow up. Your mom is also hard-working talented and a beautiful lady who loves to be a stay-at-home mom. Most important, your parents love each other and their children. You are blessed to have been born in this family. You live in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

 You have two sets of grandparents who adore you and are excited to get to know you better, love and spoil you to pieces. (that's our job)

Welcome little Grayson. What a sweet blessing you are to our family. May the Lord bless you always, and may you live a long, happy and prosperous life.



Sailor said...

A very nice post. Being born is tough, he looks like it is a Monday. :)

Anonymous said...

Cute face -- love those lips..

jamie @ [kreyv] said...

Ahhhh, congrats! he is beautiful!


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