Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First KFC franchise

While helping D2 pack and move to Denver, we stopped at a KFC located in south Salt Lake to feed all the troops who were helping.

Apparently this is the first Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet, founded by a man in Salt Lake named Pete Harman.

Inside there are all sorts of pictures, plaques, awards and certificates mounted in cases and picture frames, kind of like a museum. Among the pictures was one showing Colonel Sanders standing next to Pete Harman.
There was a statue outside the building that was unfortunately modeled after the picture inside. I think Sanders is on the left with a cane, and Pete is in the right.

In the picture it looks like Pete is folding his hands, and I didn't think a thing of the likeness outside until Sailor said, "Is this supposed to be a fountain or something?"
That, my friends, would be a very scary fountain.


"chicken? I could eat some chicken."
-Monica on Friends


RisibleGirl said...

::snicker:: Bad girl!

I remember Harmans in Utah. I think it was a restaurant chain.

Now Annie, if you were like me, you'd have someone taking your picture doing bunny ears behind the two men.

I really do need to train you better in the "no sense of decorum" thing.


Annieofbluegables said...

I just wasn't thinking now, was I? Hubby was next door renting the Uhaul, and my sis was back inside the restaurant buying ice cream. I just hurried over and snapped a picture before everyone thought we needed to leave and get packing.
Next time I will have to remember to do this. You are so funny. Thanks for the giggle.


HiHoRosie said...

Scary but hilarious fountain if that were the case! he he!

And don't worry Annie - I will NOT forget my non-raw friends. Everyone is a friend and I love them all no matter what. I hope you'll still be dropping by while on my challenge. :)

Sailor said...

Hi Dear Friend,
So sorry that I am a bad influence on you.... but when I get I minute, I think I will photoshop that picture.

KFC Point said...

Hey!! Thanks for the post. I am also looking to start my own KFC franchise in India.
Start KFC Franchise In India
Apply Online For KFC Franchise


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